Find the companies
that match your criteria

Connecting startups with investors based on real, verified metrics

How it works

01 Join the network

Tell us who you are and a little bit about your fund.

List your criteria and we will source matching companies

Select your criteria for a first meeting and we will extend a warm intro offer to the matching companies.  If they are interested in a meeting, we will put you in touch and from that point they choose what presentations they want to share.

Data room verification before the first meeting

It can takes months until investors gets close to verifying a data room. With Gilion, the data room is verified before the first meeting takes place, saving time and establishing trust from the get go.

AI-forecasts on all key metrics

The average company has around 1 billion rows of data updated every day on cloud platforms. The 20/20 vision of a company’s growth trajectory lies in these rows, all processed daily by the Gilion forecasting engine.