Our platform helps founders find the investors looking for them. Investors join the platform by detailing their criteria for a first meeting and founders join by connecting their data and request a warm intro. If the company match an investor criteria, the founder receives an offer to get the warm introduction introduction offer via email. The rest is hopefully history.
It’s not about who you know; it’s about what you’ve built. Gilion puts your performance front and center.
Gilion provides third-party validation, verifying and presenting your data in an investor-friendly format.
VC's partnering with Gilion set benchmarks for verticals and stages. We'll notify you when you meet a benchmark.
It takes months until an investor gets close to verifying a data room. With the Gilion Investor Network the data room is verified before the first meeting takes place, saving time and establishing trust from the get go.
Being a part of the Gilion Investor Network has the potential of increasing the amount of rounds you’ve had the option of participating in. Increase your opportunities of getting in early, before it’s too late.
It’s very time consuming to research companies, and sifting through alumni network. Gilion Investor Network opens up for the opportunity to find companies outside of your radar.
Consider us part match maker, part auditor. It can prove difficult for the individual CFO to earn trust and authority towards investors, in that they’ve done the numbers right. Getting the numbers right is our bread and butter and we are happy to lend our authority.