
Debt financing for startups: A founders guide

Financing an startup journey with loans

Debt financing can be a useful tool for startup founders to fund their business ventures. As a startup founder, it's important to understand what debt financing is and how it works. In simple terms, debt financing involves borrowing money from a lender with an agreement to repay the loan with interest over a set timeframe. This type of financing can be used to cover startup costs such as purchasing equipment, hiring staff, expanding your company to new markets and other even in M&A's to buy your compeditors.

While it's important to weigh the risks and rewards of taking on debt, debt financing can provide startups with the necessary capital to grow and expand their business. As an informative option, it's worth considering when exploring funding opportunities for your startup.

A split image with text on the left side and a visual on the right. The left side has the text "How debt financing for startups works" in a clean, serif font. The right side shows a tightly rolled bundle of U.S. dollar bills against a vibrant blue background.

How debt financing works for startups

Debt financing for startups is a way of financing the company’s operations or expansion through borrowed funds. The startup borrows money from a lender, typically with an agreement to repay the loan plus interest over a set timeframe.

When using debt funding, startups usually have to pledge some form of collateral to secure the loan, such as property or equipment. Additionally, it's important to understand what kind of repayment terms are involved in debt financing so you can plan accordingly.

Considerations on debt financing as a startup founder

Before deciding to pursue debt financing for your startup, it's important to consider the pros and cons. On one hand, there are a few advantages of taking on debt financing as a startup founder. For example, debt financing can help you avoid giving up equity in your company while providing you with access to capital that can be used right away. Additionally, debt funding can also help boost your company’s credit rating if it’s managed correctly.

Like any other type of loan or investment, there are risks associated with taking on debt financing as a startup founder. The biggest risk is not being able to repay the loan when due which may result in added fees or even bankruptcy for your business. Additionally, it can be difficult for startups with limited operating histories to secure debt financing. Before taking on debt financing, it's important to consider all the risks and rewards of doing so in order to make an informed decision.

Debt financing can be a great way to get the capital needed to launch or grow your business without giving up equity. As a startup founder, it's essential that you understand what debt financing is and how it works to ensure you’re making the best decision for your company. With careful consideration and planning, debt funding can be a powerful tool for founders looking to get their businesses off the ground.

The difference between equity or debt funding

Venture capital is another popular option for startup funding. Unlike debt financing, venture capital involves giving up a portion of the company’s ownership in exchange for investment capital from an outside source. This type of funding can be beneficial if you don’t have access to traditional financing options and need more than just money; it can also provide valuable advice and mentorship. However, it comes with its own risks such as having to share control of your business decisions with investors.

Debt financing offers advantages that make it attractive to some startups. For example, debt financing does not require founders to give up equity or control over their businesses like venture capital does. Additionally, debt funding typically has shorter repayment terms than venture capital, allowing for quicker repayment and more flexibility. On the other hand, debt financing typically comes with higher interest rates than venture capital and carries the risk of defaulting on loan payments.

Both debt financing and venture capital have their own unique advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered when deciding which type of funding is best for your startup. For high-risk investments early on in a startup journey, equity is a popular option when funding your startup, while debt funding is more usual when companies are close to being profitable to not give up ownership that is not needed in their business.

A man with glasses and a beard is intently working on a computer in a well-lit office with a window in the background. The wall behind him is covered with various paper notes and sketches, giving an impression of a startup environment.

A step-by-step guide to debt financing

If you decide that debt financing is the right course of action for your startup, there are a few key steps to take to ensure a successful process.

Determine what kind of loan you need

Before approaching lenders, it’s important to have a clear idea of how much capital you need and what type of loan best fits your needs. Consider the amount, repayment terms, interest rate and other factors to find the best option for your startup.

Have the right data to send to the potential lender about your business metrics

Make sure all the necessary documents are in order before applying for a loan. This may include paperwork such as business plan projections, balance sheet statements and financial statements from previous years. At Gilion, we do this process through our platform AIM which makes that whole process a lot easier than a regular bank.

Shop around for lenders

It’s important to find the right lender that is willing to provide the funding you need. Many different types of businesses require different loan structures, so it’s important to shop around and compare offers from multiple lenders before making a decision.

Finalize the loan agreement

Before signing on the dotted line, read through all documents carefully and ask any questions you may have about potential risks or fees associated with the loan. Make sure all parties involved understand their individual roles in the process and agree upon them before proceeding further

A conclusion on debt financing for startups

Debt financing has been a great option for many startups that don’t want to give up equity ownership and control. A few examples of companies who have successfully used debt financing are Coinbase, Dropbox, Uber, Spotify and Airbnb.

All of these companies had successful rounds of debt funding through startup loans or venture debt that allowed them to continue operating without giving up any equity or control over their decisions at late stages of their startup journeys. In all of their cases, they combined both equity funding and debt funding to fund their businesses on their way to find profitability.


What startups have been taking the route of financing their business with debt during their journeys?

There are a number of tech companies in Europe that have been using debt financing instead of equity. Some notable examples include TransferWise, Funding Circle, N26 and Gett. All four of these companies combined debt financing with other forms of capital to fund their operations on the way to profitability. This shows that taking the route of debt over equity can be a viable option for certain tech businesses depending on their goals and stage of growth.

What kind of financing is best for startups debt or equity?

The type of financing that's best for startups depends on the stage of their growth, their business model and the amount of risk they are willing to take.

Generally speaking, debt financing is a great option for startups who have established a proven business model and need capital without giving up equity in their businesses.

Equity funding may be more attractive for early-stage startups with riskier investments as venture capitalists tend to look for larger returns than traditional lenders. Each form of financing has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your individual needs, so it’s important to evaluate each one carefully before making a decision.

What is the differences between venture capital, venture debt and debt?

Venture capital typically refers to equity investments made by firms or individuals in exchange for ownership and control of the company. Venture debt, on the other hand, is a type of debt financing used by startups to raise capital without giving up any equity.

Finally, traditional debt refers to loans taken out from financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. All three forms of funding offer their own advantages and disadvantages depending on the stage of your startup’s growth and investment needs.

Debt financing can be a great option for certain startups looking for additional funds without having to give up any equity in their businesses. At Gilion, we specialize in debt financing for startups so that they can get the funding they need without having to give up any equity or control of their business. If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out and let us know! We’d be more than happy to help.

When should a startup take funding through debt over venture capital?

Debt financing is a great option for startups that have a proven business model, an established customer base and reasonable projections for their future growth. If a startup meets these criteria, then debt can be used to fund their operations without having to give up equity in the process.

Venture capital may be more attractive for startups with riskier investments since venture capitalists are typically willing to take on higher risks in exchange for larger returns when compared to traditional lenders. Each type of funding has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to evaluate them carefully before making a decision.