Axel Bruzelius

Co-founder and COO

Axel Bruzelius

"Passionate about helping startups grow the right way. Every company has a perfect funding option."


's background

Axel is one of the co-founders at Gilion and in charge of everything related to the company's groundbreaking startup loans. Before starting Gilion, Axel was a pioneering force in startup lending, through his role as Head of Startup and Growth at Nordea. In this role, Axel was one of the first people in Europe to offer non-diluting loans to tech companies, and with over 200 startup loans under his belt he is one of the authorities and thought leaders in Europe on lending towards tech companies.


's partner ethos

Axel is motivated by the tangible impact his work has on helping companies scale and realize their visions. He believes that there is a perfect funding option for every company and emphasizes the need for transparency and predictability in the funding process. One instance of his ability to go above and beyond is highlighted where he secured necessary funds for a company’s acquisition within an incredibly tight 10-day deadline, showcasing his commitment and ability to deliver under pressure.

What sets Axel apart in the industry is his blend of extensive experience and willingness to embrace innovative approaches.

Beer brewing / Novels / Weightlifting