Effective August 30, 2024
At Gilion, we strive to have an open and transparent workplace, where malpractice does not occur. It is therefore important to us that there is clear information on how to report confidentially and securely. In the event of suspicion of ongoing or previous malpractice, resources must therefore be available to disclose them. By making it easy to report, we work together to promote the trust of employees, customers and the general public.
Submitted cases are initially handled by an external law firm to guarantee independent handling of cases. Our Internal Contact Person(s) may come to handle the case after the Case Manager(s). See more information and contact details in section 6.
This whistleblower policy covers the legal entities Gilion AB, Gilion GmbH, Gilion Ltd, and any of its branches.
You can report and receive protection from the Whistleblower Act if you are an employee, volunteer, trainee, active shareholder, person who is otherwise available for work under our control and management or is part of our administrative, management, or supervisory body.
In case of suspicion of possible misconduct, law or regulation violation, we urge you to report this to us as a whistleblowing case. When reporting, it is important that you at the time of reporting had reasonable grounds to believe that the information about the misconduct was true. In addition, it is also important that it can actually be considered a violation that can be reported, and thus give you protection against retaliation.
Before you blow the whistle, you can read 5 questions to determine if you are protected by the Whistleblower Act.
2.1 Malpractices in the public interest
You can report information about misconduct that has emerged in a work-related context that there is a public interest in the misconduct coming to light. In the event of other types of personal complaints that do not have a public interest, such as disputes or complaints regarding the workplace or the work environment, we encourage you to contact your immediate manager or Head of People. This is to ensure that these matters are prepared in the best possible way.
Examples of malpractices of a serious nature that should be reported:
● Deliberately incorrect accounting, internal accounting control or other financial crime.
● Incidence of theft, corruption, vandalism, fraud, embezzlement or hacking.
● Serious environmental crimes or major deficiencies in workplace safety.
● If someone is exposed to very serious forms of discrimination or harassment.
● Other serious misconduct affecting the life or health of individuals.
2.2 Misconduct contrary to EU law
In addition, there is the possibility to report information about misconduct that emerged in a work-related context that is contrary to EU laws or regulations. If you suspect that this occurs, then please read the scope of the Whistleblower Directive in Article 2 and Annex Part 1 for applicable laws.
2.3 Exceptions
Please note that there may be sector-specific Union acts which take precedence over the above provisions, in the areas of financial services, products, and markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
3.1 Written reporting
For written reporting, we use Visslan, which is our digital whistleblowing channel. It is always available through https://gilion.visslan-report.se. On the website, you choose to "report" and then describe your suspected misconduct. Please describe what happened as thoroughly as possible, so that we can ensure that adequate measures can be applied. It is also possible to attach additional evidence, in the form of, for example, written documents, pictures or audio files, even though this is not a requirement.
3.1.1 Sensitive personal data
Please do not include sensitive personal information about people mentioned in your report unless it is necessary to be able to describe your case. Sensitive personal data is information about ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, a person's sexual life or sexual orientation, genetic data, biometric data used to uniquely identify a person.
3.1.2 Anonymity
You can be anonymous throughout the process without affecting your legal protection, but you also have the opportunity to share your identity under strict confidentiality. Anonymity can in some cases complicate the report’s follow-up possibilities and the measures we can take, but in such a case we can also ask you to disclose your identity later, again in strict confidentiality to the Case Manager(s).
3.1.3 Follow-up & login
After you have reported, you will receive a sixteen-digit code, which you will in future be able to log in to Visslan with from https://gilion.visslan-report.se. It is very important that you save the code as otherwise, you will not be able to access your report again.
If you lose the code, you can submit a new report referring to the previous report.
Within seven days, you will receive a confirmation that the Case Manager(s) has received your report. The Case Manager(s) is the independent and autonomous party that receives reports in the reporting channel, whose contact information is attached in section 6 below. In case of questions or concerns, you and the Case Manager(s) can communicate through the platform's built-in and anonymous chat function. You will receive feedback within three months on any measures planned or implemented due to the reporting.
It is important that you, with your sixteen-digit code, log in regularly to answer any follow-up questions Case Manager(s) may have. In some cases, the report can not be taken forward without answers to such follow-up questions from you as the reporting person.
3.2 Verbal reporting
In addition, it is also possible to conduct a verbal report by uploading an audio file as an attachment when creating a report at https://gilion.visslan-report.se. You do this by selecting that you have evidence for the report and uploading an audio file there. In the audio file, you describe the same facts and details as you had done in a written case.
In addition, a physical meeting with the Case Manager(s) can be requested via Visslan. This is most easily done by either requesting it in an existing report, or creating a new report asking for a physical meeting.
3.3 External reporting
We urge you to always report malpractice internally first, but in the event of difficulties or if you consider it inappropriate, it is possible to conduct external reporting instead (or after internal reporting without results). We then refer you to contact the competent authorities or, where applicable, to EU institutions, bodies or agencies.
4.1 Right to confidentiality
During the handling of the report, it will be ensured that your identity as a reporting person is treated confidentially and that access to the case is prevented for unauthorized personnel, i.e. Case Manager(s). We will not disclose your identity without your consent if applicable law does not compel us to, and we will ensure that you are not subjected to retaliation.
4.2 Protection against reprisals or retaliation
In the event of a report, there is protection against negative consequences from having reported misconduct in the form of a ban on reprisals and retaliation. The protection against this also applies in relevant cases to persons in the workplace who assist the reporting person, your colleagues and relatives in the workplace, and legal entities that you own, work for or are otherwise related to.
This means that threats of retaliation and attempts at retaliation are not permitted. Examples of such are if you were to be fired, have been forced to change tasks, imposed disciplinary measures, threatened, discriminated against, blacklisted in your industry, or the like due to reporting.
Even if you were to be identified and subjected to reprisals, you would still be covered by the protection as long as you had reasonable grounds to believe that the misconduct reported was true and within the scope of the Whistleblower Act. Note, however, that protection is not obtained if it is a crime in itself to acquire or have access to the information reported.
The protection against retaliation also applies in legal proceedings, including defamation, copyright infringement, breach of confidentiality, breach of data protection rules, disclosure of trade secrets or claims for damages based on private law, public law or collective labour law, and you shall not be held liable in any way a consequence of reports or disclosures provided that you had reasonable grounds to believe that it was necessary to report or publish such information in order to expose a misconduct.
4.3 Disclosure of information
The protection also applies to the disclosure of information. It is then assumed that you have reported internally within the company and externally to a government authority, or directly externally, and no appropriate action has been taken within three months (in justified cases six months). Protection is also obtained when you have had reasonable grounds to believe that there may be an obvious danger to the public interest if the information is not made public, for example in an emergency situations. The same applies when there is a risk of retaliation in the case of external reporting or that it is unlikely that the misconduct will be remedied in an effective manner, for example in the event that there is a risk that evidence may be concealed or destroyed.
4.4 The right to review documentation at meetings with Case Manager(s)
If you have requested a meeting with the Case Manager(s), they will, with your consent, ensure that complete and correct documentation of the meeting is preserved in a lasting and accessible form. This can be done, for example, by recording the conversation or by keeping minutes. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to check, correct and approve the protocol by signing it.
We recommend that this documentation is kept in Visslan's platform by the whistleblower creating a case where the information can be collected in a secure way, with the option to communicate securely.
We always do our utmost to protect you and your personal data. We therefore ensure that our handling of these is always in accordance with the applicable privacy laws.
Please note that all personal data without relevance to the case will be deleted and the case will only be saved for as long as it is necessary and proportionate to do so. The longest a case will be processed is two years after its conclusion. For more information about our handling of personal data, see Gilion’s Privacy Notice.
If you have further questions regarding how we handle whistleblower cases, you are always welcome to contact the Case Manager(s).
Name: Mikael Mellberg
Position: Partner at Lindahl Law Firm
Email: mikael.mellberg@lindahl.se
Phone number: +46 723 881 021
Gilion Internal Contact Person
Name: Alexandra Stolt
Position: General Counsel
Email: alexandra@gilion.com
The above Gilion Internal Contact Person may take over the case from the Case Manager(s), regardless of whether the case is deemed to be a whistleblowing or, for example, a personnel matter.